interested in training aspiring farmers at your farm or ranch?

We are not currently accepting applications. You may still fill out this form to receive a Prospective Host Farm Information Packet. Applications for 2026 will open in Fall 2025.

NOTE: If you’ve been a Host Farm in the past we will just have you provide us with updates to reflect your current farming operation. You don’t have to fill out a new application from scratch.

Dear Oregon farmers and ranchers,

Are you interested in mentoring aspiring farmers at your farm or ranch? Are you employing effective, sustainable, and ecological production strategies? Do you want to be a part of creating a more equitable and just food system? Do you have at least 3-5 years of production experience? Can you employ an apprentice for at least 500 hours at your operation? If you answer yes to these questions, partnering with Rogue Farm Corps as a mentor Host Farm may be a good fit! Join us in building a world in which land is deeply cared for, power is equitably shared, and farms, ranches, and the people who work them flourish.

Rogue Farm Corps’ Apprenticeship program is designed to help train and equip the next generation of farmers and ranchers through a structured framework that includes on-farm training, classes, farm tours, discussion groups, and networking. Host farmers serve as primary mentors and supervisors for apprentices at their farm/ranch. Host farmers align with Rogue Farm Corps’ Values and agree to uphold the Host Farm Standards & Guidelines.

RFC Farmer Training Program core Values:

We partner with Host Farms who align with these core program values:

  • Mentorship & Education

  • Equity

  • Safety

  • Ecological Integrity

  • Open Communication

  • Responsibility

  • Farm/Ranch Viability

Why should I be a host farm?

Benefits of being a Host Farm through RFC:

  • Access to an applicant pool of motivated candidates ready to explore sustainable agriculture

  • Potential to train people into management positions at your operation through a structured program

  • Opportunity to increase skills and knowledge of existing employee(s)

  • Apprentices help complete farm tasks

  • Training for Host Farmers in human resources, farm crew management, mentorship, communication, equity & inclusion

  • Logistical and administrative support from RFC

  • A supportive network of farmer mentors to share experiences, compare notes, and seek input with

  • Ongoing check-ins and resources from RFC during the training season to support a positive mentorship environment

  • Access to educational and social events that are part of programming for Apprentices

  • Stipend payments for completion of program milestones/requirements

To support Host Farms, RFC will:

  • Provide consultation as needed on employment issues

  • Create RFC web page for each Host Farm and Apprenticeship positions offered

  • Promote and recruit for open Apprenticeship positions, including advertising online, in print, and in communities local to each position.

  • Provide a standardized and centralized application system for applicants seeking apprenticeship which includes their background, goals, contact information, references, types of production they are interested in, and previous experience

  • Send appropriate applicants to Host Farms and provide guidance on how to use the application system to filter and sort applicants

  • Provide initial rating of program applicants’ written applications and guidance on reviewing and selecting applicants

  • Offer guidance on the interview process

  • Provide templates for Apprenticeship agreement and employee handbook documents

  • Provide a template for an on-farm skills list that communicates what Apprentices will experience

  • Organize pre- and post-season meetings for mentor farmers

  • Provide check-in calls and email/text support during the program season to Host Farmers

  • Provide a series of winter trainings and resources for Host Farmers and other farmers in human resources, farm crew management, mentorship, communication, equity & inclusion, climate smart / regenerative practices, etc

To support apprentices, RFC will:

  • Facilitate a group orientation

  • Facilitate an educational event series of classes, farm tours, and discussion sessions to complement on-farm/ranch learning

  • Provide printed and electronic program information and beginning farmer resources

  • Provide printed and electronic class outlines, suggested reading materials, and additional resources related to each educational event

  • Facilitate networking with local producers

  • Facilitate networking with other aspiring farmers

  • Provide one-on-one check-ins and email support during the program season to apprentices

  • Be available to discuss any issues that may arise through the Apprenticeship

  • Provide certification to apprentices upon program completion

  • Support Apprentices to coordinate with their college/university in order to receive credit for the apprenticeship program, if they are enrolled and their institution provides this option

  • Coordinate an alumni network to support graduates of our programs

  • Provide one-on-one support for program graduates if desired

Summary of Host Farm Responsibilities:

  • Employ Apprentice(s) for a minimum of 500 hours at minimum wage or above

  • Create a written position agreement (RFC provides templates)

  • If you offer Apprentice housing you’ll create a separate written residential agreement (RFC has a template)

  • Attend winter Host Farmer trainings, pre-season Host Farmer Kickoff, and post-season debrief meeting

  • Develop a list of skills that Apprentice(s) will receive training and experience with (RFC provides template)

  • Facilitate an orientation/pre-assessment of skills when Apprentice(s) starts

  • Train, supervise, and mentor Apprentice(s) on a diversity of tasks at the Host Farm that correspond with the list of skills developed

  • Provide hands-on demonstration and explanation of tasks on a regular basis

  • Work alongside Apprentice(s) and provide feedback on a regular basis

  • Provide opportunities for more independence and responsibility as the Apprenticeship progresses

  • Make time for Apprentice(s) to attend educational events

  • Provide opportunities for one-on-one check-ins with Apprentice(s)

  • Facilitate 2 evaluation sessions with each Apprentice (mid-season and end of season)

  • Facilitate regular crew meetings

  • Follow all employment and safety laws and regulations

  • Create and maintain a positive, safe, legal, and equitable work and training environment, with RFC support

Learn More:


Please email Kait Crowley, Farmer Training Programs Manager, at