Sunbow Produce
PART TIME/FULL TIME (March-May: 18-28 hours/week, June-October: 28-40 hours/week, November-December: 15-20 hours/week)
LOCATION: Corvallis (Willamette Valley Chapter)
PRACTICES: Certified Organic
Vegetables, Fruit, Culinary Herbs, Seed Production
LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Spanish
BIPOC-Owned/Operated, Immigrant-Owned/Operated, Women-Owned/Operated, Public Education
We practice a model of stewardship regarding soil, water and land use. Much of our field work is done by hand but we do use tractors for field prep, mowing, harrowing, tillage (spading, rototilling), spreading mulch, moving compost, and some weeding. We teach and encourage ergonomic practices to keep our bodies in good working condition. We do not employ mechanical harvesting, it’s all by hand with the exception of potatoes. Our fertility program includes deliberate rotations, cover cropping, mulching with leaves, and using minimal purchased inputs.
We grow certified organic fruits, vegetables, pulses, and herbs through a customer direct e-newsletter and online store. We sell at the Philomath Farmers Market and provide weekly distribution through Linn-Benton Food Share through two channels. Our farm crew consists of Yadira and Nate plus two to three part-time employees and occasional work-trade helpers who are compensated with our farm currency, Sunbacks. We have a comprehensive liability insurance policy and carry workers comp insurance. Our business is licensed in Oregon, we do not distribute out of state.
We have two locations. The main one is at Sunbow Farm, a 14 acre property located on the outskirts of Corvallis and Philomath. We farm between 3-5 acres at Sunbow depending on the year. There are fields, 5 high tunnels, an orchard, a lot of wildlife habitat, a few old barns and some old crumbling out-buildings. There’s a house, a bathroom building, a market room and a pack/wash area as well as a cob structure. Four people reside here, including us.
The other location is in Philomath in a residential area. It’s approx 3 acres that are gated and fenced and is part of a larger residential plot managed by the owner. Our leased zone includes a greenhouse and access to the fields.
Sunbow Farm was established in 1972, we took on management and created Sunbow Produce in 2015. We’ve both been farming between 10-12 years including some volunteer work and internships/apprenticeships. Before we became farmers, Bea worked in a social justice/social services agency and Nate worked for the State of Washington. We came to this farm independently and met here. We’re devoted to organic and regenerative practices, and are certified by both Oregon Tilth and the Real Organic Project.
● All-season growing techniques in high/low tunnels: bed prep, annual crop planting, harvesting, and maintenance of crops and infrastructure.
● Perennial crop harvesting and maintenance
● Soil conservation and water management; irrigation techniques; water catchment
● Dry farming techniques
● Wildlife conservation and coexistence; pest management in an organic operation; agro-ecological practices
● Field work: weeding with tools and by hand; harvesting; prepping beds for transplanting; transplanting, planting; clearing beds; setting up protection (low tunnels, bird netting, etc.); installing, maintaining, moving, and removing irrigation; seeding cover crops
● Highly diversified crop production, identification, and management
● Consumer-direct marketing techniques and farm stand/farmers market work
Time management/efficiency/work pace
● Harvest, wash and pack skills
● Food safety standards and management
● Possible tractor operation depending on the person
● Small equipment operation (weed whacking, root washer operation, water pump problem solving)
The first 8-10 weeks will be hands-on training with one or both of us. Independent tasks may be assigned after a successful training period. The work week will change with the seasons but is likely to start with two days/week and expand to up to 5 days/week. Lunch times will be 30-60 minutes depending on shift length.
Slower season: exertion is expected to be medium high with decent pace. Labor is medium. Harvest, wash, pack and deliver orders twice a week; field work two to three days a week. Minimum of two consecutive days off can be expected during the slower parts of the season.
Busy season: exertion is high with a fast pace. Labor is heavy, a lot of repetitive work and heavy lifting. Farm managers work 6 days/week.
Harvest, wash, pack and deliver three days a week; field work three days a week; farmers market and farm stand once a week. During the months of August-October harvesting becomes part of daily field work and is performed by all crew members. All crew members are expected to be present for all shifts during the busy season with the exception of illness.
On excessively hot days, there will be unpaid time off during the hottest part of the day. Schedules will be adjusted in order to avoid heat stress but still get work done. This may mean early starts and late endings.
Evaluation will be based on performance, engagement, consistency, availability, and reliability. We will provide hands-on training, engage in frequent discussion, and provide opportunities to practice. Daily feedback will be given during the training period. In-person check-ins will be done as needed but minimally, at three and six months. We encourage Apprentices to let us know when they need to discuss progress, interests, etc.
Enthusiasm, eagerness, and self-respect. Curiosity, resourcefulness, and grit. Drive, desire to learn, desire to excel, attention to detail, investment in the operation (emotional, not financial), food systems interest, food, land and social justice. Excellent communication skills, good boundary setting.
Applicants must be able to:
Lift 50 pounds safely and regularly
Follow directions
Ask questions
Spend extended periods of time doing repetitive work such as standing, crouching, kneeling, etc.
Understand how to work safely around a tractor, within/around old buildings and crowded spaces.
Be willing to get dirty, wet, cold and hot (sometimes all in the same day!)
Use equipment as directed and utilize suggestions for best ergonomic practices Respect all crew members
Problem solve and discuss possible solutions before acting
Avoid using violence, both physically and verbally
Avoid using alcohol, drugs (including marijuana) and cigarettes during work shifts.
Arrive sober, free of any intoxicants and fully functional to all assigned shifts. Arriving incapacitated in any way will not be tolerated as it could be a safety issue.
Apprentice will receive an hourly wage of $15/hour. We also offer up to $30 of our produce, weekly. Increase in pay will be considered after the first 90 days. See Sunbow Handbook for details on pay increase considerations. We may offer additional increases or bonuses based on consistent, excellent work performance. Lunch breaks are not paid, 10 minute breaks are paid. RFC hosted events, community building events (Grange meetings, potlucks, social time) and elective educational workshops/meetings are not considered payable hours. An end of year bonus may be issued based on the farm’s success that year and the Apprentice’s performance, reliability, and willingness to return the following season. The pay period is the 22nd of the month through the 21st of the following month. Paychecks will be issued no later than the 28th of each month for the prior payroll period and can be picked-up at the farm.
Occasional crew meals and gatherings will be offered but are not mandatory.
We’re happy to grant access to personal growing space as long as there are no conflicts with time and resources (watering schedule, tool use, etc.)
The farm will pay for up to $100 for local workshops per Apprentice.
Successful completion of the Apprenticeship could lead to a management or crew boss position with us.
We provide basic equipment (tools) required for work and have loaner rain gear and rubber boots depending on shoe size.
No on-farm housing is offered, but we are more than willing to help find affordable housing within our community (with people we know and trust).
We welcome everyone, and do our best to engage with people positively and directly. We’re an equal opportunity employer, and are reasonable people who respect others and expect the same.
We host Growing Ancestral Roots, a BIPOC organization of growers, providing them a high tunnel to further their efforts and grant them access to other parts of the farm during the main season. We connect people who have been disadvantaged and are looking for land access to resources and opportunities whenever we can.
We provide hands-on job training to young adults who have disabilities through a school district program.
We acknowledge that Oregon was home to Indigenous people well before white settlers arrived.
We often find ourselves having open discussions about the intersection of race, class, history, policy and access.
“I appreciated how often my host farmers would stop to explain why and how things are done at Sunbow. Nate especially really seemed to enjoy sharing his knowledge and thoughts about whatever task we were working on at the time. I also appreciated that when I shared that I needed to talk with them about something, they found the time to listen.” - 2024
Yadira and Nate.