Value Added Processing

Bel Avenir Farm

Bel Avenir Farm


  • PART TIME (15 hours/week)

  • APPROX START/END DATES: March/April - November

  • $15/HR first three weeks (trial period), $18/HR

  • LOCATION: Ashland (Rogue Valley Chapter)



  • PRACTICES: Organic Practices (Not Certified), No-Till, Rotational Grazing


  • Meat Production, Poultry (Eggs), Value-added/Processing, Agritourism



  • LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English (Fluent)

  • Women-Owned/Operated

Bel Avenir (which means bright or beautiful future) is a 5-acre farm located in rural Ashland, on the ancestral lands of the Shasta, Takelma, and Latgawa peoples. Diane Choplin launched the farm in 2012 and firmly believes in serving the land as a responsible steward while building soil, producing nutrient-dense food, and maintaining high standards for animal welfare. Bel Avenir supplies direct-to-consumer rotationally-grazed lamb and pastured eggs, as well as value-added products. Dedicated to regenerative practices and the highest standard of animal welfare, Bel Avenir is Bee Friendly Certified, and a Jackson Soil and Water Conservation Stewardship Site. 


Farm Overview

Bel Avenir is a no-till, 5-acre labor of love located just outside the town of Ashland, on the ancestral lands of the Shasta, Takelma, and Latgawa peoples. Myer Creek bisects the property. There’s a raised-bed kitchen garden, pond, fruit + nut orchard, and over three acres of perennial pasture which is home to a small herd of hair sheep, flock of laying hens, and a plethora of insects, soil microbes, and burrowing rodents. My 15yo son and I live in the farmhouse. For added income, I Airbnb the largest bedroom. 

Bel Avenir has historically been a one-woman show with very occasional hired help for tasks I can’t do alone or as efficiently. I raise rotationally grazed lamb and pastured eggs that I sell directly to clients. Meat is whole-animal to enable farm kill and encourage nose-to-tail consumption. Clients come to me by word of mouth. Additionally, I make value-added products from hides and orchard fruit that I sell to Airbnb guests and also by word of mouth. 

Though not certified organic, I hold to those standards, controlling weeds through mechanical means (hand pulling/digging/burning) and with grazing, tarping, and sheet mulch. I’m also an experienced boot-strapper, as any single person running a farm must be, having received multiple grants and one corporate sponsorship for infrastructure projects.

Farming is an exciting, challenging, and rewarding learning curve, especially having come from an urban existence! I’m grateful for all of the opportunities this valley and its supportive farming community offers to beginners. I’ve taken full advantage since beginning my journey in 2009 with workshops at OSU Extension, Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District, and online. I enjoy giving back to those programs and have hosted over 350 folks for tours and workshops on the subjects of noxious weed management, riparian restoration, rotational grazing, and economics and enterprise. 

I’m a member of the League of Women Farmers and the Oregon Forages and Grasslands Council. I also work part-time for OSU Extension (SOREC), Small Farms, and serve on the board of Our Family Farms, the organization behind the campaign to ban GMO crops from Jackson County.

For a deep dive into my farming philosophy and values:


Lambing kicks off in spring (late March), which means ear tagging, cord dipping, potential lamb pulling, and health checks. At a month old, I band male lambs as means of castration. Rotational grazing season begins once all the lambs are on the ground and able to reliably find and follow their mamas. It runs through October/November, when forage growth slows and the flock is separated for breeding and slaughter. Rotational season means constant forage assessment and taking down/setting up of paddocks (weed whacking fence lines, moving electrified nets, etc.). I do FAMACHA scoring, hoof-trimming, and conduct my own fecal egg counts (collect poo, put it in solution, and look at it under a microscope). Other activities include collecting and delivering eggs, night penning animals, cleaning their coop/sleeping spaces, reducing fuels for fire resilience, and LOTS of weed management. Apprentices will learn to identify forages and weeds (including noxious, beneficial, and toxic), how and when to control them, and how to measure and maintain pasture density. 

All work is physical to varying degrees. There will be digging, weed whacking, bending, lifting, mowing, and working low to the ground. Hay bales are the heaviest item, at 60 pounds, but it’s rare that they need moving, at least not until rotating season ends in late fall. Well, sheep are heavier but we won’t pick them up. We’ll just move them around at hoof trimming. 

For 7-10 hours a week, I will work alongside you to teach skills and talk concepts as we work. I envision the experience as hands-on learning. We’ll also check in for the first and last 5-10 minutes of each workday. Questions are always welcome. Our first day will include a tour, a discussion of what the Apprentice is most interested to learn, deciding our schedule, and meeting the animals. We’ll have two evaluation sessions as per RFC guidelines, more if the Apprentice desires. Attending an irrigation district meeting is a possibility, as is assisting with any workshops, or selecting a personal project. 

I’m also happy for Apprentices to participate in and learn from my Airbnb farm stay and potentially take on a project of their choice on the farm. 

Schedule: No more than five hours of work per day, M-F, with possibility of some weekend hours as needed, for fifteen total hours per week. Regular schedule desired. Flexibility for days off, extreme heat, and poor AQI. Punctuality, clear communication, and advanced notice of vacation plans are expected.


Reliability, good physical fitness, and a sincere desire to learn are paramount. Good communication (as mentioned above), listening skills, and accountability are also important. I’d rather someone admit they forgot how to do something and ask for help, than forge ahead, too embarrassed to ask, and cause harm to themselves or others, or make more work later. Please be detail oriented and have a strong work ethic. Be someone who wants to do their best in everything, versus get away with minimum required effort. Previous outdoor and/or physical work experience is a plus as it means you know how to take care of yourself in summer heat, deadlift properly, etc. Committed to agriculture, farming, and/or homesteading is another plus, but not required. 

I would prefer that the prospective apprentice visit in person to make sure it’s a good fit for all. In absence of that, a Zoom call would be necessary.


$15/hr for an initial trial period of three weeks.

$18/hr after successful trial period, plus farm-produced eggs and seasonal produce, when available. 

$250 completion-of-season bonus. 

The rental market in and around Ashland is tight and expensive, but the farm is just 2 minutes off of I-5, so commuting from Talent, Phoenix, Jacksonville, or Medford would be easy (10-20 minute drive). Look for housing through Craigslist, rental property management companies, and social media. If I learn of someone looking for a roommate or renter, I’m happy to share that information. As of the writing of this description, I know of no such opportunities. 


I make efforts to educate myself to the experiences of others so that I may be more mindful in my interactions and aware of the inequitable privileges accorded me, as well as subconscious actions I may take or have taken that reinforce division and oppression. I invite feedback and work cooperatively to address concerns. I recognize I have much to learn and actively seek out opportunities to do so. I read a lot of nonfiction, personal essays, memoirs, and biographies by BIPOC authors, attend DEI trainings and LGBTQIA events, and speak up when I see injustice and insensitivity. I advocate for greater BIPOC representation in my off-farm work and strive to avoid tokenism. I respect and honor people’s pronouns and lifestyle choices. I greet everyone warmly and pay attention to nonverbal cues regarding their comfort and safety. I am open to suggestions on how I can do better. My farm, unfortunately, is not ADA-compliant. 

Diane Choplin with Sheep

Valley Flora Farm - FULL FOR 2025



  • FULL TIME (40 hours/week)

  • APPROX START/END DATES: May  - December 

  • $15/HR

  • LOCATION: Langlois  (Satellite Farm)



  • PRACTICES: Organic Practices (Not Certified), Mixed Power (Draft Powered, Mechanized/Tractor Farming), Low-Till


  • Vegetables, Fruit, Culinary Herbs, Medicinal Herbs, Value-Added, Agrotourism

  • ON-FARM HOUSING? Possibly


  • LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Spanish

  • Women-Owned/Operated

Valley Flora is a highly diversified fresh produce farm located 2 miles outside of the small town of Langlois (population 300) on the beautiful southern Oregon coast. The farm is deeply dedicated to ecological, climate-forward farming principles and practices, and we play a central role in our local food system in this rural corner of the state. Our crew is tight-knit and hard-working, and we strive to create a fun and supportive workplace for everyone here.



Valley Flora Farm encompasses 90 acres in a beautiful, quiet river valley, 4 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean. Of that acreage, 40 acres are upland forest, 30 acres are in pasture, and the remaining 20 acres is rich river bottomland where we cultivate all of our row crops and orchard crops. The farm is nestled in a special microclimate where cool-weather crops thrive, but where we also have enough summer warmth to grow eggplant, sweet corn, peppers, and tomatoes outdoors - in spite of our proximity to the ocean. It’s a lovely climate to work and play in.

The farm is surrounded by natural beauty, with numerous coastal rivers running undammed from the coast range to the sea; uncrowded beaches; wild dunes and forests. The farm is 20 minutes from the picturesque coastal towns of Port Orford (to the south) and Bandon (to the north). We’re five miles from Floras Lake, an epicenter of kite and wind-surfing. There is also nearby mountain biking, surfing, hiking, fishing, and horseback riding. Floras Creek, which runs the entire length of the farm, offers numerous summertime swimming holes and wintertime salmon spawning grounds.

Valley Flora’s production is highly diversified, and so is our marketing. We distribute our food via four distinct sales channels: 

  • Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Valley Flora operates a 140-member CSA from June through December during our main season, and a 70+ member winter CSA from January to May. We participate in the Double Up Food Bucks program to help break down barriers to fresh produce in our low income community.

  • Farmstand & U-Pick: We have a bustling onsite farmstand that’s open from May to December, and a busy strawberry and flower u-pick that’s open to the public from June through October.

  • Direct Sales: We harvest and pack orders for local stores, co-ops, and restaurants year-round.

  • Foodbanks: Thanks to an Oregon Foodbank grant and some long-standing local partnerships, we distribute produce to four local foodbanks and community fridges every week.

The farm adheres to all the standards, rules, and principles of organic production but are not third party certified. We practice reduced tillage, have an unbridled passion for cover crops and biodiversity, and we do everything we can to minimize our carbon footprint and avoid waste. We’re a mixed power farm, relying on a combo of tractor power, solar power, human power, and draft horse power (Jack and Lily are Zoë’s team of Belgian/Morgan draft horses who work in harness on the farm). Our farm infrastructure is powered by a 12kW solar array that sits on the roof of our barn and runs our greenhouses, walk-in coolers, irrigation pumps and more.

We typically have six folks on our crew during our main season (some part-time, some full-time), from May through December. In the winter, we work a scaled-back schedule, employing 3-4 employees who stay with us year round but reduce their hours in the winter months.

Zoë has been farming for over 20 years, first as a hired hand on farms in Massachusetts and California, then as the crew manager at Sauvie Island Organics near Portland. In 2008 she returned to her birthplace on Floras Creek to start her own farm business in collaboration with her mother (Betsy) and sister (Abby), who both grow produce on the same family land. Abby grows salad greens and manages the orchard. Betsy focuses primarily on greenhouse production of peak-of-summer crops (tomatoes, basil, zucchini). Zoë and her crew round out the rest of the production, from artichokes to potatoes to strawberries to broccoli (and much, much more). Together they market collectively as Valley Flora. After 18 years in business, the farm is thriving and ever-evolving


Every person at Valley Flora is a crucial, invaluable part of our team. We all work hard, with the crew usually putting in 8-10 hours per day during our summer peak. Apprentices typically start in May and work full-time through October with us. By the end of October things ease up a bit and we sometimes reduce hours slightly for November and December. 

At Valley Flora, we “train-by-doing” and there is education built into every day, particularly when new employees are diving into a task for the first time. We always try to ensure that our crew members feel confident and capable before being set loose on a project. New employees spend a lot of time working alongside our seasoned crew to learn the ins and outs of everything we do. 

Because the farm’s production and marketing are so diverse, our daily to-do lists are ever-changing and multifaceted, which helps mix up the physical and mental demands of the job. That said, it is very physical work with certain intense seasonal peaks (for instance, harvesting the heavy storage crops of fall, or the constant weekly transplanting of spring/early summer). To help build strength and physical health, we train our employees not only in farming techniques, but also in proper body mechanics (we are fans of a set of body weight exercises called Foundation Training to keep our backs healthy and strong). 

Apprentices work as a member of the field crew on all manner of tasks that are part of operating a diversified produce farm:  

  • Daily harvest for our 140-member CSA, farmstand, and direct sale accounts. The farm grows over 100 different crops, each requiring its own technique, tools, and skill set for harvest. Valley Flora has a long-standing reputation for high quality produce and we strive to uphold that. We’re sticklers for quality and consistency, so Apprentices are taught standard bunch size, standard weight, and quality control for every single crop in ever-changing conditions. We need Apprentices to achieve these quality standards while moving as efficiently and quickly as possible. It’s a steep and challenging learning curve that requires keen attention to detail, awareness of pacing, fast and nimble hands, and a willingness to accept and integrate constructive feedback throughout the season. We are at core a lean commercial operation (not a hobby farm), and hustle is part of every single day.

  • Post-harvest handling: Apprentices are part of processing and packing the 100+ crops we harvest for four distinct sales channels, including CSA, farmstand, direct sales and foodbanks. Similar to harvest, the wash/packout process is distinct and unique for each crop and it changes with each season, as well as with daily weather conditions. Apprentices will learn post-harvest handling skills that rely on our dunk tank, wash table, sorting tables, dry curing room, and three climate-controlled walk-in coolers. You’ll learn to use various scales, different wash techniques, specific packout systems, and be trained in the selection of appropriate packaging materials, standards, and organization. Everyone receives annual food safety training.

  • Weekly Fieldwork: These tasks include transplanting, fertilizing, trellising, mowing, weed control, pest management, irrigation, and plant care. Apprentices will be trained in operating the equipment necessary to perform these tasks safely and efficiently, including mowers, weedeaters, wheel hoes, oscillating stirrup hoes, collinear hoes, Japanese hand weeders, drop spreader, flame weeder, pressure washer, and hand trucks. Other than our delivery van, all our farm vehicles have manual transmissions so Apprentices will learn to drive stick if they don’t already know how.

  • Weekly Delivery:  Apprentices will be trained to safely load, drive and complete our delivery route in our Sprinter van (weekly deliveries to wholesale customers and CSA pickup sites). 

  • U-Pick Management. Apprentices will be responsible for overseeing flower and strawberry u-pick operations one or two days/week. This includes setting up the u-pick stand, communicating and interacting with customers to orient them to the u-pick, answering questions, and being the public face of the farm.

  • Farmstand Management: The Apprentice might help manage our biweekly farmstand, including packing orders, setting up the farmstand display, selling produce, and tending the till. Our farmstand manager is a very public-facing role, involving lots of interaction with the public.


Farming can be likened to an endurance sport that has some sprinting thrown into the mix (except our “sporting event” happens every day for a solid 8 months of the year). We try to cultivate physical and mental strength amongst our team so that we can “do hard things.” We are looking for someone who is up to this challenge and:

  • Is a hard worker who loves spending their day outside, regardless of the weather (and has significant previous outdoor physical work experience on their resume).

  • Knows how to hustle and optimize efficiency in their work.

  • Demonstrates keen attention to detail, excellent observation skills, and an awareness of pacing.

  • Is reliable, on-time, honest and kind.

  • Has strong communication and listening skills.

  • Has a good sense of humor and team spirit.

  • Can gracefully accept and integrate constructive feedback whenever it’s provided, without the ego getting in the way.

  • Is equally comfortable and productive working on a team or independently.

  • Is calm and adaptable in the face of the unexpected. 

  • Is not inclined to stir up human drama (plants and the weather provide drama enough on a small farm!).

We don’t require previous farming experience but a passion and deep curiosity about sustainable agriculture is very useful. For us, it’s more important that someone has the grit and good humor to learn new tasks and stick with it through the challenges of an entire season than it is to already know how to do the job (often folks who have previous farming experience have to relearn our systems anyway). 

Applicants should be in strong physical condition, capable of safely lifting 50 pounds, and able to squat, bend, lift, carry, and kneel for prolonged amounts of time over an 8-10 hour work day, five days a week, for the entirety of the season. Ability to drive a stick shift is VERY helpful, since our primary farm truck has a standard transmission.

We strive to be a warm, fun, welcoming workplace where our sense of team is paramount. To that end, it’s super important that new employees are team-oriented, but they also need to be able to work independently and productively on their own (there are plenty of tasks that crew members tackle solo throughout the week).

We are all constantly striving to improve ourselves, our efficiency and the farm’s productivity, so good problem-solving skills, innovative creativity, humility, and critical thinking are exciting traits in a Valley Flora applicant.


We work closely with our local Small Business Development Center, which offers a three month On-the-Job Training wage subsidy for new hires. Applicants who qualify for that program will start at $15/hour. Otherwise, new hires typically start at the local  minimum wage (currently $13.70/hour), with a wage reevaluation after the first month to assess the possibility of a performance-based raise. 

All employees have access to farm produce, and between June and December get a weekly CSA share from the farm, valued at $1000+/season. Employees also have unlimited access to “house” produce (seconds or grade B produce that doesn’t meet our sales standards), as well as gleaning opportunities throughout the season. For employees who complete the entire season we give out an end-of-year bonus, calculated based on the farm’s profitability and the number of hours worked. The farm will also reimburse half of an Apprentice’s RFC tuition if they complete the season.

Local housing options are somewhat limited, however we are well-networked in the community so it’s very possible that we could help a new employee find housing if on-farm housing is not available.

There is limited cell service at the farm, depending on the cell carrier. We have Wi-Fi that is available to everyone on the farm.  


Valley Flora is committed to open, non-violent communication and does not tolerate any form of bigotry, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or discrimination, ever.

Since the beginning, the farm has been a bilingual workplace. English and Spanish are both spoken everyday and Zoe makes a concerted effort to ensure that language never leaves anyone out of the loop. We are owned and managed by women, and we make our absolute best effort to give everyone on our team opportunities to take ownership of various aspects of the farm and to feel appreciated for their contribution to the farm. We try to assign tasks based on what people are excited and qualified to work on and never along gender-biased lines. We actively solicit input and feedback from the crew to make sure that the farm is being managed in a way that feels good, fair, inclusive and respectful. 

Being a small farm, our crew is very familial, which gives us a lot of opportunity to grow and learn together in wonderful ways. 


“Zoe worked alongside us and trained us on a number of things, which I really appreciated. The two other long-term farm crew members have been great in teaching/training me as well, but I know Zoe made an effort to be there with us as much as she could. That showed me that she cared about my learning and progression as a farmer, and she always made time to thoroughly answer any questions.” -2023

Zoë, Jen, Alexa, Sarah, Allen, Roberto, Abby, Bets.

Our Table Cooperative

Our Table CooperativE


  • PART TIME (21 hours/week)

  • APPROX START/END DATES: June - October

  • $16.50/HR

  • LOCATION: Sherwood  (Portland Chapter)



  • PRACTICES: Certified Organic, No-Till


  • Vegetables, Culinary Herbs, Fruit, Value-added/Processing, Cut Flowers



  • LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Basic Spanish

  • Cooperatively Owned

At Our Table, our farming philosophy revolves around proper soil health. We are firm believers in the idea that growing soil not only results in higher quality production, but is a powerful way to mitigate some of the negative effects we have on our planet. We strive to nurture and grow the soil food web through mulching, composting, minimal soil disturbance, cover cropping, and diversification of plant varieties. 

As a production farm, we are deeply proud of the quality of produce we send to our restaurant and grocery accounts and are honored to positively contribute to and change the local food system in the PDX area. 



Our Table is entering its 14th year of production in the Portland area. We farm on 58 acres of land about 20 miles south of Portland. We raise a variety of crops, including vegetables, blueberries, strawberries and tree fruit. On site are a year-round creek and pond, varying topography, and a lovely view of Mount Hood. The farm has easy access to both town and country.

Our farm crew consists of six to seven people between annual and perennial productions.

We grow vegetables intensively on 4 + acres, with an additional 2 acres cultivated in annual cover crops. We use low-till, raised bed practices in the production fields, 4 hoop houses, and 14 caterpillar tunnels. The perennial side of the farm includes fruit and nut trees, 9 acres of blueberries, strawberry tunnels, and beekeeping. We supply produce weekly for a seasonal CSA, and our other sales outlets are through stores (including our on-site store) and restaurants in the larger Portland metropolitan area.


Apprenticing at Our Table includes an all-encompassing vegetable farm experience. Candidates can expect to be involved in the entire life cycle of growing vegetables, including bed preparation, seeding in the propagation house, transplanting, direct seeding, cultivation, harvest of over 70 varieties, washing/packing of produce, delivering produce to restaurants, and working the weekly CSA pick-up table. The Apprentice would have the opportunity to be trained and to use equipment such as a BCS tractor, a JANG seeder, irrigation systems, and more.

Schedule is as follows:
Mondays & Fridays: 6:30am - 2:00pm

Thursdays: 11:00am - 6:30pm 

Hours can vary seasonally. Opportunities for more work may be available. 

Because Our Table runs a relatively small production, members of the annual crew are often working side by side. Candidates can expect to work alongside farm manager Andrew on a daily basis, learning core concepts and functions. We welcome questions of any nature and encourage growth in areas of individual interest on the farm. Over the years, Andrew has developed a love for studying soil science, integrating both humor and efficiency in daily workflow, and mastering a comprehensive knowledge of systems he encounters on the farm.  The crew holds regular check-ins as a group.


Our Table is seeking an Apprentice who is detail oriented, enjoys working in a group, and is motivated to streamline learning and workflow. Communication and cohesion in our crew are highly prioritized, as is the ability to listen to one another. The work is mostly physical, but requires a sharp mind, good judgment, and a great sense of humor. Experience with customer interaction and enthusiasm for all sorts of fruits and vegetables are highly encouraged. The Apprenticeship involves daily lifting (up to 50 lb.), bending, walking, etc, with almost all of the time spent moving or on your feet.


We are able to offer an Apprentice a wage of $16.50/hr. Apprentices will accrue paid time off hourly.

We are five minutes from Sherwood, OR, a town of 20,000 people, and within easy driving distance (20 miles) of the greater Portland metropolitan area. Apartments, rooms, and shared housing options are plentiful in the area. 

No vehicle is required to fulfill an Apprenticeship at Our Table, but an Apprentice would be responsible for their transportation to and from the farm.


At Our Table we are dedicated to impartiality in processes and relations in all aspects of the cooperative. We value an atmosphere of belonging and ownership devoid of any judgment. We encourage open communication, speaking up, regular morale check-ins, and desire to foster a space that is not only all-inclusive and comfortable, but one that allows both individuals and the collective to thrive. 


“Always provided training on new tasks, always open to my questions. All topics were covered, most were covered comprehensively. Usually available to provide feedback/criticism, but sometimes too busy. Gave me more responsibility/insight into different areas as the season went on. Listened to my ideas/thoughts on farming topics and had good discussions. In general I feel like I learned a lot by doing, which is what I wanted.” - 2022

“Andrew was wonderful to work with and patient with my many questions. Helped guide and teach about many topics.” - 2024

Andrew (and former RFC Apprentice, Fern)

Quackenbush Farm- FULL FOR 2025



  • FULL TIME (40 hours/week)

  • APPROX START/END DATES: April - October

  • $16/HR

  • LOCATION: Eagle Creek (Portland Chapter)



  • PRACTICES: Certified Organic, Low-Till, Tractor/Mechanized Farming


  • Diversified Vegetables



  • LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Basic Spanish

  • Woman Owned/Operated

Our production methods revolve around intensive, sustainable annual crop production.  We are certified organic and utilize a variety of conservation practices to minimize our impact on the land and soil, including cover cropping, crop rotations, reduced tillage, pollinator plantings and hedgerows, and more. 

Our focus is on producing high quality produce for small and mid-scale markets, with an emphasis on heirloom and old-world varieties where flavor is more important than shelf-life.



Quackenbush Farm is located in the beautiful Clackamas River Valley, about 30 minutes southeast of Portland.  Our focus has primarily been diversified, organic, fresh market veggies. The farm is a thriving business with our main markets being our weekend farmer’s markets, wholesale (school districts), restaurants, and a small on-site farm stand.

The farm family and crew this year will include owners Jennifer and Matt, an assistant farm manager, crew lead, two Apprentices, several market crew, and our team of weekly harvest volunteers and workshares.

Quackenbush Farm started in 2013 in Washington State as a partnership between 4 friends. We were young, motivated, and wanted to grow a business based around community health and vitality. Each of us contributed a thousand dollars as startup, or seed money, and kept our day jobs. We found a rental with property with a brave landlord and within a month of signing the lease, we plowed the field. 

Over the years the farm has evolved, growing and reaching new markets and customers. In 2017, the farm business found a permanent home in Oregon, on 18 flat, beautiful acres of pasture and oak savanna. Through all the changes over the years we have stayed committed to our ideals, and remain idealistic in our hearts and actions.


We are looking for two full time Apprentices to commit to the full season from early April to the end of October or optionally through November. The flow of a typical farm year for our staff follows the 3 seasons of spring, summer, and fall:

Spring (April, May, early June) – The focus of this season is greenhouse work, field preparation, building/refurbishing farm infrastructure, and planting.

Summer (Late June, July, August) – This is the time for our biggest markets, big harvests, weeding, pruning and trellising, and more planting.

Fall (September, October, November) – The pace starts to slow a little here, with planting mostly over, our focus now is harvesting, weeding, marketing, farm projects, and eventually turning the fields over and planting cover crop.

By the end of the year, we will provide exposure to virtually all aspects of farm operations, including all steps between the seed and the plate.

These are full-time positions, typically 40 hours per week with some flexibility for longer days in the peak season (July/August) and shorter days in the shoulder seasons (April/October), 5 days per week with two days off. Work days typically start at 8am and go to 4:30pm, with a lunch break mid-day. Farming is physically demanding work, so we expect our staff to manage the demands of frequent lifting, stooping, repetitive motions, and to be able to work in all weather conditions.

Working directly with the farm owners, manager, and crew lead in all aspects of day to day operations, you will gain an in-depth understanding of growing for farmer's markets, local restaurants, and our surrounding community. With 4 acres in production of annual vegetables and the remaining 14 acres managed for wildlife habitat and other projects, our Apprentices will have the opportunity to gain a well-rounded sustainable agriculture work experience.  Overall duties include field work, irrigation, small equipment work, farmers market sales, seeding/propagation, planting, volunteer coordination, and record keeping (to name a few).


An ideal candidate would be one who is seriously considering a career in agriculture, either working for another farm or starting their own, and is actively pursuing these opportunities.

Farm work experience is preferred, but NOT required.  However we do expect a willingness to learn. We value clear and open communication and expect that our staff are actively engaged with questions, comments, and input on the farm operation.

Demonstrated experience doing repetitive manual labor and a strong physical and mental work ethic IS required.

While we do not require an in-person visit prior to making a placement offer, it is highly recommended.


Compensation for our apprenticeship starts at $16/hr and includes a CSA share for the season.

We are not offering housing this year. The Estacada area typically has affordable housing available, or we are a 30 minute drive from Portland.


We believe healthy, organic food should be accessible to anyone, regardless of their economic status. We are very conscious of fair pricing, both to ourselves and to our customers, and provide other opportunities to make our produce affordable, including SNAP discounts and benefits, Pay What You Can pricing, and donations to several local food banks. 

We recognize the long and troubled history of exclusion in the world of agriculture and land ownership. Equity and inclusion on Quackenbush Farm means that your value as a farmer and co-worker are irrespective of your race, color, gender, sexual orientation, bank account balance, or accent. We welcome all hard-working bipeds to apply.


“Matt and Jennifer provide a really well rounded opportunity to gain actual on farm experience in a positive working environment.” - 2023

“So much is done on the farm in production. I think it was very valuable to get an idea and real feeling of how much I can do and having examples of how much I could improve by seeing how much faster things can be done.” - 2024

“My crew lead, a former RFC Apprentice with multiple years of farming experience across the state, gave great guidance throughout the season. His familiarity with RFC program topics was well integrated into on-farm duties.” - 2024

Matt & Jennifer (& Edwin)

Matt & Jennifer (& Edwin)